There are foods that are highly beneficial to human health and these 7 foods have some surprising cancer-fighting benefits!
Black beans
Black beans are classified as legumes. Also known as turtle beans because of their hard, shell-like appearance, black beans are, in fact, the edible seeds of the plant. They contain anthocyanins and triterpenoids, which are powerful antioxidants and these help in fighting cancer.
Chili peppers
Chilli peppers are members of the nightshade family, related to bell peppers and tomatoes. Many varieties of chili pepper exist, such as cayenne and jalapeño. Chili peppers are primarily used as a spice and can be cooked or dried and powdered. Powdered, red chili peppers are known as paprika. It has been discovered that the capsaicin in chilli peppers has been shown to cause cancer cell death. You can therefore include this in your meals.
Mushrooms are classified as vegetables in the food world, but they are not technically plants. They belong to the fungi kingdom. Although they are not vegetables, mushrooms provide several important nutrients. The edible mushrooms can slow the growth of breast cancer.
Fatty fish
Fatty fish like tuna, salmon, sardines, and mackerel, these types of fish contain Omega-3 fats and these are very effective in battling cancer, also, for protection against contains cancer-fighting omega-3 fats. They are also very low in Mercury which is very healthy to humans.
Dark leafy greens
Dark leafy greens such as Kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, arugula to mention a few are very beneficial for cancer prevention. The dark leafy greens contain lutein and beta-carotene which may help prevent breast cancer. They also help in the prevention of other forms of cancer.
Green tea
Green tea has been said to be the healthiest beverage on the planet. It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body. Also, because of the antioxidants, they may help prevent breast, prostate, colon, stomach and skin cancer.
The medical information provided in this article is provided as an information resource only. This information does not create any patient-physician relationship and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.
Source: Guardian Newspaper